English Version!!! Homeautomation and Elektronic DIY
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Home automation and DIY electronics – The comprehensive e-book from Edi’s Techlab
NEW in the Jan. issue: Difference between BME280 and BMP280, waterproof ultrasonic sensor JSN-SR04T
This e-book accompanies the popular YouTube channel Edi’s Techlab and offers over 690 pages of concentrated knowledge. It covers the basics of electrical engineering, microcontrollers such as Arduino and ESPs, home automation with Home Assistant, Zigbee, MQTT and ESP-NOW, and Node-RED. It includes practical examples of sensors, actuators, LEDs and e-ink displays, as well as advanced topics such as interrupts and NTP servers.
Regular free updates and code examples on GitHub make this e-book the ideal resource for anyone who wants to master home automation and electronics.
Home automation and DIY electronics is the accompanying e-book to the YouTube channel Edi’s Techlab. The book is available in PDF format and currently comprises over 700 pages – and counting! It contains all the issues that you can find in the e-book store (except project books).
Constant updates:
The e-book is regularly updated. Almost every month, a free, revised version is made available with the latest additions and improvements.
What can you find in the book:
Fundamentals of electrical engineering
The book begins with an introduction to electrical engineering. You will learn the basics of voltage, current, resistors, diodes and transistors.
Arduino and microcontrollers
A complete section is dedicated to the Arduino UNO. You will get to know the structure, write your first programs and work on practical examples.
Home Assistant and automation
You will learn how to set up Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi and how to use automations, scenes and devices. In addition, Zigbee, MQTT and ESP-NOW – important technologies for home automation – will be discussed.
ESP8266, ESP32 and ESP32-CAM
The popular ESP microcontrollers are covered in detail. A theoretical introduction is followed by practical projects that show you how to get the most out of these devices.
Sensors and actuators
The book explains the functionality and application of numerous sensors such as temperature and humidity sensors, motion detectors and RFID readers. For actuators, stepper motors, e-ink displays, servo motors and much more are covered. There are practical application examples for all devices.
This chapter shows you how to integrate sensors and actuators into Home Assistant without any programming effort. You will be guided step by step through the setup with ESPHome.
LEDs and lighting technology
In this chapter, you will learn about different types of LEDs and how they can be used. The basics of lighting technology are also explained.
A whole chapter is dedicated to Node-RED. You will learn the basics of this powerful tool and be guided step by step through its setup and use.
Integrated Circuits (ICs)
In electronics, there are numerous ICs that make our lives easier. You will get to know the most important ones and apply your knowledge in practical projects.
Professional programming
Advanced topics such as the correct use of buttons, the use of interrupts and the use of an NTP server for time synchronisation are covered in detail in this chapter.
And don’t forget, ANYONE CAN DO IT!!!
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