English Version!!! Homeautomation and Elektronic DIY


Home Automation and DIY Electronics is the accompanying e-book from Edi’s Techlab YouTube channel. The book is in pdf format and contains over 650 pages, and counting.

This book is constantly being expanded and almost every month there is a free revised version that contains the latest changes.

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Home Automation and DIY Electronics is the accompanying e-book from Edi’s Techlab YouTube channel. The book is in pdf format and contains over 650 pages, and counting. Included are all editions you can find in the e-book shop. (Except the free project books)

This book is constantly being expanded and almost every month there is a free revised version that contains the latest changes.

What’s in the home automation and electronics DIY book?

To begin with, we learn about electrical engineering by looking at the basics of voltage and current as well as the types of resistors, diodes and transistors. In the second chapter, we get to know the most famous microcontroller, the Arduino UNO. We will analyse its structure, learn how to code and carry out illustrative examples.

In chapter three, we set up Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi and define the scene, the automations and the general functioning of HA.

Chapter four then dives deep into the ESP8266+ESP32 +ESP-CAM technology, where the theory is explained.

We then look at the MQTT protocol, which is the gold standard in home electronics communication, so to speak, but other interfaces such as I2C, SPI and UART are also explained in detail in this chapter.

Room climate sensors for temperature and humidity, motion sensors, RF-ID readers and many more sensors are explained in detail in chapter 7, followed by practical examples.

Chapter 8 deals with actuators such as the 7-segment display, servo motors, displays, stepper motors and much more.

To integrate sensors and actuators into Home Assistant without any programming effort, you can use ESP-Home. In this chapter, you will be guided step by step through how to integrate your sensors.

Do you want to bring more colourful light into your living space? Then the chapter on LEDs is just right for you. The different types of LED lights are explained here and, of course, the basics of lighting technology are not forgotten.

There are a lot of ICs in electronics that make our lives easier, in this chapter we get to know a few ICs and the basic knowledge is immediately put into practice.

You don’t have to type out all the code examples, they are stored on GitHub and are free for you to download and modify. You will find the respective link in the code example, and you can even access Github via a QR code.


I wish you lots of fun and good luck with rebuilding,

Your Edi


And don’t forget, EVERYONE CAN DO IT!!!

1 Bewertung für English Version!!! Homeautomation and Elektronic DIY

  1. Antonella Riegler

    I’m very happy that this book is now in English as well. It makes it much more easy for me to follow along the projects. Thanks Edi and keep up your great work.

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