Home automation and electronics - DIY!

After a few electronics basics, it immediately goes into practice and many sensors and actuators are explained in detail on over 600 pages in PDF format and integrated into the home automation system.
For further support, there are YouTube videos on most of the topics in the book, which will also make you an electronics expert!

But the BEST about this book is that it is constantly being updated and all future versions FREE geladen werden können.

What do you find in the book?

Electronic Basics

What is current and voltage and how does a resistor behave in a circuit? Simple circuit calculations are used to learn how to work with electronics. After the initial basics, the transistor and the MOSFET are explained in detail.

Sensors & actuators

For home automation, we use many different sensors to measure temperatures or particles. Each sensor we use is explained with its function and a practical example. There is even a whole chapter dedicated to lighting with LEDs.

Home Assistant

Home Assistant is the control center for home automation. We learn how to set up an HA server and how to use it to implement control systems. YAML is used as the programming language here and this is also covered in full in one chapter.


This book is constantly being updated and kept up to date. All future updates are FREE!

No previous knowledge necessary

This book starts with what is current and voltage and no prior knowledge is required, but it doesn't stop at semiconductor components either!

Detailed description & videos

This book is a companion piece to Edi's Techlab YouTube channel and most of the examples have a link to a video for even better understanding!


If something goes wrong with a project or if you still have questions, feel free to send me an e-mail with your question or post it in the Edi's Techlab forum.
Das Moto von Edi's Techlab ist: EVERYONE CAN DO IT!!!

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Thomas Edlinger

Autor und CEO

About me

My name is Thomas Edlinger, born in Austria and I have been living in Switzerland since 2004. As an electrical engineer, I work full-time in the semiconductor sector. In June 2019, I decided to start my YouTube channel "Edi's Techlab". This channel mainly deals with home automation in the DIY sector. From my own experience, I know that the combination of video and written instructions is unbeatable and makes it much easier to recreate projects. You will also find a corresponding video on my YouTube channel for most of the projects that you will find here in the book. The book covers all topics in much more detail and provides additional background knowledge.

Ich hoffe, dass ich mit diesem Buch vielen Neueinsteigern und Hobbyelektronikern den Weg in die Heimautomatisierung ermöglichen kann und dass wir uns gemeinsam als Edi’s Techlab-Community gegenseitig weiterhelfen und mit Projektideen bereichern, frei nach dem Motto: EVERYONE CAN DO IT!!!